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Soil Loading Effects of Planter Depth-Gauge Wheels on Early Corn Growth
Applied Engineering in Agriculture
  • H. Mark Hanna, Iowa State University
  • Brian L. Steward, Iowa State University
  • Landon Aldinger, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Published Version
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Final soil manipulation before seed germination occurs during the planting operation. Contact force of depth-gauge wheels adjacent to the seed opener potentially alters the environment for corn seed germination and early plant growth. A field experiment was conducted measuring seed spacing, spacing variability, seed depth, emergence rate, plant dry matter, final stand, crop growth stage, and extended leaf height with different soil contact loads [light, 180 to 490 N (40 to 110 lb); medium, 490 to 890 N (110 to 200 lb); and heavy, over 890 N (200 lb)] and a range of three soil moistures (dry, moist, wet). A treatment with randomly variable contact load similar to that of a conventional planter (control) was also included.


This article is from Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 26, no. 4 (2010): 551–556.

Copyright Owner
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
File Format
Citation Information
H. Mark Hanna, Brian L. Steward and Landon Aldinger. "Soil Loading Effects of Planter Depth-Gauge Wheels on Early Corn Growth" Applied Engineering in Agriculture Vol. 26 Iss. 4 (2010) p. 551 - 556
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