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Art in the Shadow of the Law
Bench & Bar
  • Brian L. Frye, University of Kentucky College of Law

While precious little law is specific to art, a rich and complex body of social norms and customs effectively governs artworld transactions and informs the resolution of artworld disputes. In any case, a smattering of scholars study art law and a similar number of lawyers practice it. In this essay, I will provide a brief overview of art law from three different perspectives: the artist, the art market, and the art museum.

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Notes/Citation Information

Brian L. Frye, Art in the Shadow of the Law, 82 Bench & B. 6 (Mar. / Apr. 2018).

Citation Information
Brian L. Frye. "Art in the Shadow of the Law" Bench & Bar Vol. 82 Iss. 2 (2018) p. 6 - 13
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