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In the Mind's Eye: Visual Lessons for Law Students
Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing
  • Brian A. Glassman, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, Cleveland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • law students,
  • visual lessons,
  • learning styles,
  • legal writing

This article shows how to use works of art to demonstrate essential components of effective legal writing. Part I discusses the learning theory under pinning the use of visual lessons. Part II describes the lessons themselves. Part III explains the benefits--both direct and indirect--that result from using visual lessons to teach law and summarizes student responses to the use of these lessons in first-year legal writing. The conclusion suggests ways in which this technique might be extended and adapted to teach not only legal writing but also other law school courses.

Citation Information
Brian Glassman, In the Mind's Eye: Visual Lessons for Law Students, 23 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing 25 (2014).