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Creating a Virtual Reading Room for the School of Mass Communications at the University of South Florida
American Library Association Annual Conference (2001)
  • Brian J. Falato, University of South Florida
The School of Mass Communications at the University of South Florida was told by its accrediting body that it needed to provide more up-to-date and varied material in its reading room. After consulting with the director of the USF Tampa Campus Library, it was decided that the librarian serving as collection development liaison for Mass Communications would design a virtual reading room that could provide remote as well as in-person access to materials. The original notion of providing electronic access to newspapers and scholarly/professional journals has grown to include links to sites featuring radio/TV news sources, digests of articles and editorial cartoons, media study organizations, media history, legal resources, and reference/research aids. Presented as a poster session at the ALA Conference.
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Citation Information
Brian J. Falato. "Creating a Virtual Reading Room for the School of Mass Communications at the University of South Florida" American Library Association Annual Conference (2001)
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