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The Travels, Triumphs and Travails of New Urbanism: Representational Geographies in US Newspapers, 1990–2012
Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability
  • Yonn Dierwechter, University of Washington Tacoma
  • Brian Coffey
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This paper seeks to contribute to our geographical understanding of New Urbanism as an important reform movement by exploring its representational rather than physical experience within the United States. Specifically, we analyze US newspaper accounts of New Urbanism from 1990 to 2012, looking for broad patterns in how it is portrayed to popular audiences around the country – what we think of as its “triumphs” and “travails” across American space. We also explore the stated reasons given for these portrayals, without attempting in this contribution to theorize motivations, agendas or broader political-economies that shape perceptions of planning and design. The paper finds that positive accounts of New Urbanism outnumber negative accounts by nearly three-to-one. In addition to overall tone, the paper discusses the qualitative content of articles to establish key justifications and rationales for positive, negative and neutral framings. Further research might extend our findings by analyzing how New Urbanism if/s “framed” publically on social media and in other national contexts.

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Citation Information
Yonn Dierwechter and Brian Coffey. "The Travels, Triumphs and Travails of New Urbanism: Representational Geographies in US Newspapers, 1990–2012" Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability Vol. 10 Iss. 4 (2017) p. 385 - 400
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