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Multiple Starting Lines: Pre-college Characteristics of Community College and Four-year Institution Engineering Students
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (2014)
  • Bavid B. Knight, Virginia Tech
  • Inger M. Bergom, University of Michigan
  • Brian Burt, The University Of Michigan
  • Lisa R. Lattuca, University of Michigan
Multiple Starting Lines: Pre-College Characteristics of Community College and Four-Year Institution Engineering Students In response to the pressing need to expand and diversify the engineering workforce, there has been a focus on using community colleges as pathways to four-year engineering programs. The Obama administration, for example, has emphasized expanding this pathway into STEM fields by leveraging and focusing resources on the community college sector. Although practitioners and researchers have considerable knowledge and understanding of the experiences and achievements of community college students, there has been little research on community colleges as a pathway to the bachelor’s degree in engineering. The purpose of our study is to investigate the potential for success via this pathway by comparing students who identify as “pre-engineering” in community colleges with students who have successfully navigated the four-year undergraduate degree in engineering.
By comparing students enrolled in the community college to those who have successfully transferred to four-year bachelor’s programs, we may better understand the entering pre-college characteristics of community college students that are likely associated with successful transfer to four-year engineering programs. Data for this study are drawn from a broader study funded by the National Science Foundation, entitled Blind for Review, which collected data from engineering undergraduates and alumni, faculty, program chairs, and associate deans in a nationally representative sample of 31 four-year colleges and universities and from pre-engineering students at 15 community colleges.
For this paper, we analyze data collected from three different survey instruments: 1) a survey of pre-engineering students enrolled in community colleges (n=1,306); 2) a survey of currently enrolled engineering seniors and “super-seniors” in their fifth year of undergraduate study (n=5,406); and3) a survey of engineering graduates surveyed three years after earning their bachelor’s degrees(n=1,420). Specifically, we examine the academic preparations and personal experiences (e.g., sociodemographic characteristics, high school academic preparation and achievement, and personal and social experiences with which they arrive to college) that characterize students who begin the path to an engineering degree in a community college and who plan to transfer to a four-year engineering program.
We compare these students with two other groups: 1) community college students who successfully transferred to an engineering program in a four-year college or university who completed an engineering degree; and 2) students who began college at a four-year institution and are still enrolled in an engineering baccalaureate program. Findings demonstrate considerable differences between the entering characteristics of community college pre-engineering students, successful transfers, and students first-enrolling in four-year engineering programs for all three categories. Based on these empirical results, we offer recommendations for programs to implement to work toward improving the community college-to-four-year engineering program transfer pipeline.
Publication Date
June 15, 2014
Indianapolis, Indiana
 2014 American Society for Engineering Education. Other scholars may excerpt or quote from these materials with the same citation. When excerpting or quoting from Conference Proceedings, authors should, in addition to noting the ASEE copyright, list all the original authors and their institutions and name the host city of the conference
Citation Information
Knight, D. B., & Bergom, I. M., & Burt, B. A., & Lattuca, L. R. (2014, June), Multiple Starting Lines: Pre-college Characteristics of Community College and Four-year Institution Engineering Students Paper presented at 2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, Indiana.