Popular Press
INST5400 - Computer Applications for Instruction and Training, Spring 2005
Instructional Technology & Learning Sciences - OCW
Publication Date
Introduction to basic computer applications on a Macintosh computer, with special emphasis on software that may be used in instruction and training. In this course, students will orient themselves to the Macintosh environment, get a brief overview of Macintosh-specific software, and learn the fundamental basics of the following tools available to assist in instruction and training: PowerPoint, Photoshop, GoLive, and iMovie.
If you wish to complete the assignments, you will need the following programs:
Microsoft PowerPoint
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe GoLive
Apple iMovie
Copyright 2008, by the Contributing Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Citation Information
Brett Shelton. "INST5400 - Computer Applications for Instruction and Training, Spring 2005" (2005) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/brett_shelton/1/