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Design and Testing of a Cleaning and Disinfection System for Farm Equipment and Vehicles at Livestock Farms
TSM 416 Technology Capstone Projects
  • Noelle Hinrichs, Iowa State University
  • Taeh Horbas, Iowa State University
  • Matt Devine, Iowa State University
  • Brett C. Ramirez, Iowa State University
  • Michael Anderson, Iowa State University
  • Jacek A. Koziel, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Date
Course Number and Title
TSM 416: Technology Capstone
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Agricultural Systems Technology (Hinrichs, Devine); Industrial Technology (Horbas)
Michael Anderson and Jacek Koziel
Problem Statement

  • During a Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) outbreak, it is critical that people, equipment, and vehicles do not inadvertently move the disease-causing agent between premises (i.e., locations where animals are housed or otherwise handled).
  • To prevent this potential transmission, a cleaning and disinfection (C&D) station must be established at the clean/dirty line on infected premises, and everything going on or off the premises pass through it.
  • Without this critical precaution, more viruses may remain in the environment and cause potential infection of other premises and herds; thus, making FAD containment a challenge.

Citation Information
Noelle Hinrichs, Taeh Horbas, Matt Devine, Brett C. Ramirez, et al.. "Design and Testing of a Cleaning and Disinfection System for Farm Equipment and Vehicles at Livestock Farms" (2020)
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