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Preceptor's Grading Scale Preference for Student Pharmacy Practice Experience and Assessment of the Common Grading Scale among Us Schools of Pharmacy
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
  • Leanne Honecutt Varner, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Remya Radhakrishnan, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Brent L. Rollins, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
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The objective of this study was to gain an understanding of preceptors’ grading scale preferences for introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences (IPPE/APPE). Secondarily, assess if there is a common grading scale for IPPE/APPE rotations among US pharmacy programs. Methods

An online, 22-item survey questionnaire was sent to all preceptors at a fully accredited school of pharmacy. The survey instrument assessed preceptor attitudes toward the effectiveness of the primary grading scales, letter or pass/no pass. Demographic variables were also assessed, including gender, age, practice setting, years as a preceptor, and annual number of students precepted. In addition, a phone survey was conducted with all pharmacy programs in the United States at the time to assess grading scales used for introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences (IPPE/APPEs). Results

Three hundred sixty-five preceptors responded to the survey questionnaire. Overall, preceptors had more favorable attitudes toward the letter grade system as opposed to the pass/no pass system, and when asked specifically which they preferred, approximately 70% preferred the letter grading system. The phone survey of different pharmacy programs grading systems revealed most use the letter grading system. Fifty-six of 87 responding schools (64%) reported use of a letter grading system, compared to 26 of 87 (30%) using a pass/no pass system and five using ‘other variations’ (6%). Conclusion

The majority of preceptors preferred the letter grading system over the pass/no pass system. Familiarity with this system was a contributing factor, as a significant number of preceptors preferred the grading scale they had as a pharmacy student – the letter grade system. This trend mimics current pharmacy school's grading system, as approximately 2/3 currently use a letter grading system to evaluate IPPE/APPEs.


This article was published in Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.

The published version is available at

Copyright © 2017.

Citation Information
Leanne Honecutt Varner, Remya Radhakrishnan and Brent L. Rollins. "Preceptor's Grading Scale Preference for Student Pharmacy Practice Experience and Assessment of the Common Grading Scale among Us Schools of Pharmacy" Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning (2017)
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