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Oral Motor intervention improved the oral feeding in preterm infants: Evidence based on a meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis
Cochrane Library (2016)
  • Zelda Greene
  • Colm PF O'Donnell
  • Margaret Walshe
(from Dublin, Ireland)   19 studies chosen out of  >2000, PIOMI (2011) included
R= faster transition to full fdg, shorter LOS, and less time on parenteral nutrition
Publication Date
Fall September 20, 2016
Citation Information
Zelda Greene, Colm PF O'Donnell and Margaret Walshe. "Oral Motor intervention improved the oral feeding in preterm infants: Evidence based on a meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis" Cochrane Library Iss. 9 (2016) ISSN: 1465-1858
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