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About Brenda Cleaver

Brenda graduated from Kennesaw’s Master’s Program with a degree in Conflict Management in May 2017. She enrolled in the INCM Program because of her overall interest in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution. Prior to her graduate experience, Brenda worked in the federal government and a non-profit agency in the area of fair housing and equal opportunity. She would like to build upon her past graduate and work experience by focusing on public policy, public-private partnerships, cultural/religious/ethnic/racial conflict and consensus building, human rights, ethics, justice, and police-community relations. She is interested in possibly teaching, becoming a consultant, and/or trainer in one or more of the areas mentioned above. Brenda is also member of the Golden Key International Honor Society.

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Present Ph.D. Student, Kennesaw State University ‐ School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development

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