A short time ago mobile learning could be framed as immature in terms of classroom integration (Traxler, 2007). More recently, however, we have seen rapid growth in the number of educators designing their own mobile-mediated learning environments. As a result, mobile learning is maturing as a pedagogical practice through the combination of refined theoretical understanding of its affordances, an increase in the number and types of mobile applications (many of them free), and growing communities of practice (Dikkers, Martin, & Coulter, 2012). In this paper, we briefly present the design choices and goals of nine educators (representing a range of contexts) who integrated innovative forms of mobile learning in their teaching. We then use a single illustrative example to highlight themes that emerged from analysis of the nine cases, namely four practices designers employed as they implemented mobile learning. Using Pinch and Bijker’s (1984) design-based perspective we conduct a cross-case analysis (Stake, 2006) to gain insights into user/designer intention, goals, and needs. Finally, we use this analysis to consider next steps related to the design of mobile tools and learning environments.
Mobile Learning Classroom Practices and Integration
Meaningful Play
Document Type
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Publication Date
Citation Information
Dikkers, S., Mathews, J., Litts. B. K., & Holden, C. (2012, October). Mobile learning classroom practices and integration. Meaningful Play: East Lansing, MI.