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An Introduction to the “Maker” Movement in the College Classroom
Teaching and Learning Symposium
  • Erica Rosenfeld Halverson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Giri Venkataramanan
  • Chris Meyer
  • Breanne Krystine Litts, Utah State University
Document Type
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison, WI
Publication Date

Making has been dubbed “the new industrial revolution”—an emergent cultural phenomenon where people learn by working at the intersection of engineering, art, and entrepreneurship to produce meaningful ideas and artifacts. In this session, we will introduce participants to some of the core technologies involved in making. The session will focus on hands on access to technologies, including Arduino boards, Makey Makeys, 3D Printers, and sewing machines. We will walk participants through the ethos of making and give participants the opportunity to respond to a maker challenge to be completed during the workshop time.

Citation Information
Halverson, E., Venkataramanan, G., Meyer, C., & Litts, B. K. (2013, May). An introduction to the “Maker” movement in the college classroom. Teaching and Learning Symposium: Madison, WI.