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Building Collaborative Electronic Textile Designs: Lessons Learned From a High School Workshop
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
  • Breanne Krystine Litts, Utah State University
  • Yasmin B. Kafai, University of Pennsylvania
Document Type
American Educational Research Association
Washington, DC
Publication Date

Most electronic textile (e-textile) activities for beginners focus on making and coding individual projects leaving aside the potentially beneficial interactions that can occur as part of collaborative designs. In this paper, we report on an e-textile workshop with high school youth (ages 14-15 years) who designed in groups interactive table centerpieces using LilyPad Arduino, LEDs, conductive thread and fabric. We examined groups’ approaches and reflections to two different collaborative structures, assigned roles versus assigned parts, and their interactions around project idea generation and circuit design documentation. In debriefing interviews, students reflected on other critical factors that supported or hindered their collaboration. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities such collaborative designs can offer for broadening participation in making and coding.

Citation Information
Litts, B.K., & Kafai, Y.B. (2016, April). Building collaborative electronic textile designs: Lessons Learned from a high school workshop. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting: Washington, D.C.