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Patrick Chabal and Toby Green, eds. Guinea-Bissau: Micro-State to ‘Narco-State’. London: C. Hurst & Company, 2016. Distributed by Oxford University Press. xxvi + 290 pp. Map. Forward. Note and Acknowledgements. Glossary and Acronyms. Biographical Sketches. Timeline. Notes on Contributors. Bibliography. Index. $34.95. Paper. ISBN: 978-1849045216.
African Studies Review (2018)
  • Brandon D. Lundy
Publication Date
June 25, 2018
Citation Information
Brandon D. Lundy. "Patrick Chabal and Toby Green, eds. Guinea-Bissau: Micro-State to ‘Narco-State’. London: C. Hurst & Company, 2016. Distributed by Oxford University Press. xxvi + 290 pp. Map. Forward. Note and Acknowledgements. Glossary and Acronyms. Biographical Sketches. Timeline. Notes on Contributors. Bibliography. Index. $34.95. Paper. ISBN: 978-1849045216." African Studies Review (2018) p. 1 - 3
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