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Preventing Mental Distress in the Military
CRDCN Research Highlight/RCCDR en évidence
  • Charles Nelson, St. Joseph's Helath Care London, London, ON
  • Kate St. Cyr, St. Joseph’s Health Care London, London, ON
  • Bradley Corbett, The University of Western Ontario
  • Elisa Hurley, Public Responsibility in Medicne and Research, Boston, MA
  • Shannon Gifford, St. Joseph's Health Care London, London, ON
  • Jon D. Elhai, University of Toledo
  • J. Donald Richardson, St. Joseph's Helath Care London, London, ON
Publication Date

This Research Highlight draws on the article by Nelson C., St. Cyr K., Corbett B., Hurley E., Gifford S.M., Elhai J.D., & Richardson J.D. (2011). “Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation among Canadian Forces Personnel in a National Canadian Military Health Survey,” Journal of Psychiatric Research 45(11): 1483-1488.

It was prepared by Sarah Fortin, Knowledge Transfer Coordinator at The Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN), an infrastructure created to improve researchers’ access to Statistics Canada detailed micro-data, to expand the pool of skilled quantitative researchers and to improve communication between social scientists and research users.

Data were accessed and the analysis done at the University of Western Ontario Research Data Centre.

Citation Information
Charles Nelson, Kate St. Cyr, Bradley Corbett, Elisa Hurley, et al.. "Preventing Mental Distress in the Military" (2012)
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