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About Brad Seibel

My research employs a unique suite of field and laboratory techniques and approaches to assess the ecological consequences of climate change, including ocean acidification, deoxygenation and warming, and the role of animal energetics in ecosystem dynamics. I carry out broad comparative physiology studies to determine the limits to evolution and ecology. Physiological mechanism provides a foundation upon which ecosystem responses to climate change and consequences for biogeochemical cycles can be understood. My studies compare organisms across size, depth, latitudinal and phylogenetic lines, from microzooplankton to macronekton, ctenophores to fishes, from the poles to the equator and from the abyssal plains to the ocean surface.  We strive to integrate across levels of organization, from mitochondria to ecosystems.  I focus on the physiology of individual species and what this can teach us about their origin, behavior, ecology, diversity and the ecosystems in which they live.


Present Professor, University of South Florida College of Marine Science



2020 - 2024 Next generation sensor systems for natural oceanic bioluminescence assessments
Office of Naval Research
2019 - 2021 An ecophysiological framework to assess hypoxia driven habitat loss in the California Current Ecosystem
California Seagrant – Ocean Protection Council
2018 - 2021 Development of a Framework to Assess Biological Vulnerability to Ocean Hypoxia in the California Current System
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
2015 - 2018 A metabolic index to predict the consequences of expanding oxygen minimum zones for midwater ecosystems
National Science Foundation, Biological Oceanography
Role: PI
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2017 - 2020 Chair, Deans Advisory Council, USF
2017 - 2019 Member, USF Graduate Council
2016 - 2017 Member, IMSE Student Exam Committee, USF
2016 Member, Deans Advisory Council, USF
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  • Marine Ecology
  • Biological Oceanography
  • Pelagic Ecology
  • Ecological Physiology


1998 Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
1992 B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara

Contact Information

Phone: (727) 553-3403


Articles (93)

Book Chapters (2)

Conference Proceedings (1)