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Ecological Biogeography of Cephalopod Molluscs in the Atlantic Ocean: Historical and Contemporary Causes of Coastal Diversity Patterns
Global Ecology and Biogeography
  • Rui Rosa, University of Rhode Island
  • Heidi M. Dierssen, University of Connecticut
  • Liliana Gonzalez, University of Rhode Island
  • Brad A. Seibel, University of Rhode Island
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Coastal Atlantic Ocean,
  • coastal ecology,
  • historical processes,
  • latitudinal gradients,
  • Rapoport's rule,
  • species–area,
  • species–energy
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Aim: One of the most recognized ecological paradigms on earth is the increase in species richness from the poles towards the equator. Here we undertake a comprehensive survey of the latitudinal gradients of species richness (LGSR) of coastal cephalopod fauna in the western (WA) and eastern margins (EA) of the Atlantic Ocean, and test climate and non-climate theories to explain the variation in diversity.

Location: The coastal Atlantic Ocean.

Methods: The diversity and geographical ranges of coastal cephalopods were investigated by means of an exhaustive survey of the primary literature, reports and on-line data bases. In order to test the productivity, ambient energy and area hypotheses, we investigated the relationship between diversity and net primary production (NPP), sea surface temperature (SST; measure of solar energy input) and continental shelf area, respectively.

Results: LGSR of cephalopod molluscs are present at both Atlantic coasts, but are quite distinct from each other. Historical processes (rise of the Central American Isthmus, formation of ‘Mare Lago’ and glaciations) explained much of the shape and the zenith of LGSR. Contemporary climate and non-climate variables also each explained over 83% and 50% of the richness variation in WA and EA, respectively, and the best fitted models accounted for > 92% of the variance. By combining latitude with depth a strong Rapoport effect was observed in WA but not in EA.

Main conclusions: Besides the evolutionary history, we demonstrate that the contemporary environmental gradients (SST and NPP), shelf area and extent of coral habitat can predict many of the diversity patterns. The longitudinal difference in Rapoport's bathymetric rule is attributed to western fauna specialization to shallow coral reef habitats and greater ecological tolerance of eastern fauna to upwelling ecosystem dynamics. A combined approach of historical biogeography and species–area–energy theories was essential to fully understand broad-scale variation in cephalopod biodiversity.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Global Ecology and Biogeography, v. 17, issue 5, p. 600-610

Citation Information
Rui Rosa, Heidi M. Dierssen, Liliana Gonzalez and Brad A. Seibel. "Ecological Biogeography of Cephalopod Molluscs in the Atlantic Ocean: Historical and Contemporary Causes of Coastal Diversity Patterns" Global Ecology and Biogeography Vol. 17 Iss. 5 (2008) p. 600 - 610
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