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Discipleship in Urban Contexts
Journal of Adventist Mission Studies
  • Boubakar Sanou, Andrews University
Publication Date

"With the current state of discipleship, congregations can no longer afford to rely on their church-centered programs as their main means of growing disciples. Programs do not disciple people; people disciple people. Becoming authentic communities who create intentional spaces where believers of all ages and stages in their faith journey can effectively and meaningfully connect with one another and with God, grow spiritually, and reach out to the world around them is of vital importance in urban discipleship. With the imperative to share the gospel in the cities, urban congregations need to objectively do their own discipleship reality assessment in light of Jesus’ example and command. A thoughtful assessment of the gap between Jesus’ intention and current practices will help them make necessary adjustments to their approach to discipleship."

Citation Information
Boubakar Sanou. "Discipleship in Urban Contexts" (2019) p. 169 - 189
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