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Critical Temperature and Thermodynamics of Attractive Fermions at Unitarity
Physics Review Letters
  • E Burovski, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • N Prokof’ev, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • B Svistunov, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • M Troyer
Publication Date

The unitarity regime of the BCS-BEC crossover can be realized by diluting a system of two-component lattice fermions with an on-site attractive interaction. We perform a systematic-error-free finite-temperature simulation of this system by diagrammatic determinant Monte Carlo method. The critical temperature in units of Fermi energy is found to be Tc/εF=0.152(7). We also report the behavior of the thermodynamic functions, and discuss the issues of thermometry of ultracold Fermi gases.

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Citation Information
E Burovski, N Prokof’ev, B Svistunov and M Troyer. "Critical Temperature and Thermodynamics of Attractive Fermions at Unitarity" Physics Review Letters Vol. 96 Iss. 16 (2006)
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