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Unpublished Paper
Preliminary estimate of total Russian fisheries catches in the Barents Sea region (ICES subarea I) between 1950 and 2010
Fisheries Centre Working Paper #2015-59 (2015)
  • Boris Jovanović, University of British Columbia
  • Esther Divovich, University of British Columbia
  • Sarah Harper, University of British Columbia
  • Dirk Zeller, University of British Columbia
  • Daniel Pauly, University of British Columbia
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) maintains a publicly accessible database presenting reported landings by fishing country, taxon, statistical subareas of the major FAO statistical area 27, and year for the period 1950-present. Although some data on discards and illegal fishing are known as part of the ICES stock assessment process, relevant details of these are deemed confidential, and the public landings database does not contain all these data. Furthermore, in many cases a portion of the Russian catch from the Barents Sea has not been reported to ICES for particular years. Here, we reconstructed the total fisheries removal by Russia using publically available data, by adding estimates of the following categories to the reported ICES data: unreported legal landings, unreported landings from poaching, discards, and catch from the subsistence and recreational fisheries. Total removals by the Russian fishing fleet in ICES subarea I of FAO 27 for the period 1950-2010 were estimated to be 27.5 million tonnes, which is 36% greater than the total landings of 20,297,201 t presented officially by ICES for the same period. Unreported industrial catch, their discards, subsistence catch, and recreational catch each contributed 7.6%, 18.3%, 0.03% and 0.34%, respectively, to the total reconstructed catch.
Publication Date
This working paper from Jovanović, B., Divovich, E., Harper, S., Zeller, D. and Pauly, D. (2015). Preliminary estimate of total Russian fisheries catches in the Barents Sea region (ICES subarea I) between 1950 and 2010. Fisheries Centre Working Paper #2015-59, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 16 p.
Citation Information
Boris Jovanović, Esther Divovich, Sarah Harper, Dirk Zeller, et al.. "Preliminary estimate of total Russian fisheries catches in the Barents Sea region (ICES subarea I) between 1950 and 2010" Fisheries Centre Working Paper #2015-59 (2015)
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