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About Bonnie Bachman

Dr. Bonnie Bachman is Professor in the department of Economics at Missouri University of Science and Technology and is Program Director of Missouri S&T's I-Corps Site Program. She holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering and M.S. in Mechanics and Materials Science from Rutgers University and a B.S. in Physics from Benedictine University.

Dr. Bachman has been instrumental in developing experiential interdisciplinary courses for Missouri S&T and the entrepreneurship program at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She developed a new course offering (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) at the Trulaske College of Business at MU. She was awarded a UM System President’s Award for Innovative Teaching in 2017.

Dr. Bachman's areas of interest include:
Research and Applied Research:
(1) Innovation and Entrepreneurship (creativity, innovation processes and strategies, intellectual property, entre/intra-preneurship, change management, management of technology and new product development, business model innovation, evidence-based entrepreneurship)
(2) Sustainability (corporate governance and social responsibility, global social and eco-enterprise/entrepreneurship, sustainable business development and models, environmental and social impact, sustainable economics, green marketing and consumer behavior, communication and transparent reporting)
(3) Economics/Business/Marketing (international economics and business, international business ethics, business communications, consumer behavior)
(4) Leadership (theory, strategy, application, communication)
(5) Teambuilding (roles and relationships, competencies, performance, development of assessment tools).

Innovation economics and management, processes, and creativity; Technology transfer and transitioning; Incubation and acceleration; Sustainable economics and business modeling; Social and environmental enterprises; Business law and ethical issues; Entrepreneurship/intrapreneurship/eco and social-preneurship; Life cycle thinking and assessment; Green marketing and consumerism; Corporate social responsibility; Corporate governance and stakeholder management; Leadership; Strategic development and implementation

Change management; Team building; Coaching and mentoring, I-Corps curriculum/Lean Startup and Product Development


2017 - Present COO and VP Business Development, Smart Health Beacons, LLC
2016 - Present Director, NSF/Missouri S&T Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Site Program, Missouri University of Science and Technology
January 2013 - Present Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Economics
Present Faculty Researcher, Missouri University of Science and Technology Center for Science, Technology, and Society (CSTS)
2016 - 2019 Faculty Fellow, Missouri University of Science and Technology
2011 - 2015 Visiting Professor, Department of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology
June 2009 - January 2013 Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology Business and Information Technology
December 2007 - June 2009 Professor and Department Chair, Interdisiplinary Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology
2006 - 2008 Senior Director, Flextronics International, Ltd.
1998 - 2004 Director, Emerging Technology, Motorola

Curriculum Vitae


2018 - 2018 “Missouri S&T Rural Entrepreneurship Scholars Course,” VentureWell, Faculty Development Grant
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Colleague(s): R. Schwartz, C. Moore
2018 - 2018 “Prototyping a Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Single-Carrier Modulation Turbo Transceiver for Robust Underwater Wireless Communications
National Science Foundation (U.S.) - NSF PFI-TT
Colleague(s): R. Zheng
2017 - 2017 CogniHealth+: Advanced and Remote Screening, Monitoring and Rehabilitation of Cognitive Health
National Science Foundation (U.S.) - NSF STTR Phase 1
Colleague(s): D. De, S. Das, D. Burns, M. Makos, R. Ernest
2017 - 2017 “Expanding the Statewide I-Corps Site Program,” Missouri Technology Corporation, Missouri Building Entrepreneurial Capacity Program Grant
State of Missouri
2016 - 2016 Building a Statewide I-Corps Site Program," Missouri Technology Corporation, Missouri Building Entrepreneurial Capacity Program Grant
State of Missouri
Colleague(s): S. Das
2016 - 2016 Continuation-Journey to Innovation and Entrepreneurship,” Faculty Development Grant
Colleague(s): J. Lovitt, M. Zawodniok
2016 - 2016 Exploring Physics-the Curriculum App
National Science Foundation (U.S.) - NSF I-CORPS Grant
Colleague(s): M. Chandrasekhar, D. Steinhoff, and G. Tucker
2016 - 2016 Improving Performance in Passive RFID Networks
National Science Foundation (U.S.) - NSF I-CORPS Grant
Colleague(s): M. Zawodniok, S. Ebrahimi Asl, and I. Ferguson
2016 - 2016 Innovation in Education Grant Program
Missouri University of Science and Technology - Missouri S&T Innovation Fund
2016 - 2016 “I-Corps Sites: Journey to Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Missouri S&T
National Science Foundation (U.S.) - NSF I-CORPS SITE Grant
2016 - 2016 “Reliable and Low-Cost Transceiver for Underwater Wireless Communications and Networks
National Science Foundation (U.S.) - NSF I-CORPS Grant
Colleague(s): R. Zheng, F. Li
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Professional Service and Affiliations

2005 - Present Life Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2005 - Present Distinguished Member, Fellow, Honored Service Member, Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE)
Present Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)
Present Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
Present Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Present Life Member, Creative Education Foundation
Present Member, Industrial Research Institute
Present Member, North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS)
Present Member, Order of the Engineer
Present Member, Phi Sigma Pi (HonorFraternity)
Present Member, Sigma Xi (Science and Engineering Society)
Present Member, Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society)
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Honors and Awards

  • Leavey Award, Freedoms Foundation for Excellence in Private Enterprise Education (2017)
  • UM System President’s Award for Innovative Teaching (2017)
  • Phi Sigma Pi, National Honor Fraternity, Chapter Service Key presented by the Zeta Pi Chapter at Missouri S&T (2017)
  • NSF I-Corps Recognition Award (2016)
  • Missouri S&T Chancellor’s Challenge Award (2016)
  • Missouri S&T Faculty Experiential Learning Award (2016)
  • Missouri S&T Outstanding Teaching Award in Distance Education-Excellence Award (2013)
  • Missouri S&T Outstanding New Advisor Award (2013)
  • Missouri S&T Faculty Service Learning Award (2013)
  • Missouri S&T Outstanding Teaching Award (2012)
  • United Sates Army, Captain’s Medal for Teaching Excellence (2011)
  • MBA Association, Best Ever MBA Teacher (2010)
  • North American Thermal Analysis Society (NATAS) Outstanding Service Award (1993)
  • Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Outstanding Achievement Award: Engineering Structures and Properties Division (1993)
  • Outstanding Achievement Award: Plastics Analysis Division (1991)
  • Member of the Year Award: Plastics Analysis Division (1985)


2003 - 2004 Entrepreneurship Development Program for Executives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ‐ Sloan Management School
1995 Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway
1987 M.S. in Mechanics and Materials Science, Rutgers University - New Brunswick/Piscataway
1979 B.S. in Physics, Benedictine University

Contact Information

Department of Economics
Missouri University of Science & Technology
1215 N. Pine Street
Interdisciplinary Engineering Building, Room 108
Rolla MO 65409

(573) 341-4976


Research Works (74)