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( ᵂ )omen out/‘of Time’: Mètis, Medea, Mahakāli
Speculations of the Other Women: New Realisms in Feminist Philosophy—retitled-at-the-last-minute/in-the-last-instance as After the ‘Speculative Turn’: Realism, Philosophy and Feminism (2016)
  • Nandita Biswas Mellamphy, Western University
Publication Date
Katerina Kolozova & Eileen Joy
Punctum Books
Citation Information
Nandita Biswas Mellamphy. "( ᵂ )omen out/‘of Time’: Mètis, Medea, Mahakāli" New YorkSpeculations of the Other Women: New Realisms in Feminist Philosophy—retitled-at-the-last-minute/in-the-last-instance as After the ‘Speculative Turn’: Realism, Philosophy and Feminism (2016)
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