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Journal of International Students, 2011 Volume 1 /Number 2
  • Krishna Bista
Study Abroad/ Reflections
1. A “Pura Vida” Summer in Costa Rica ……………………………………………………..34-35
   Hailie Allen, BS, Arkansas State University (USA)
    Deepak Adhikari, MA, Agence France Presse ( Nepal)
3. Why Study in Finland: RAMK, SAMK, and PBL.……………………………………….36-37
    Irina Khramtsova, EdD, Arkansas State University (USA)
Peer-Reviewed Articles
United States ……………………………………………………………………………………………..38-42
    Ya-Hui Kuo, PhD, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages (Taiwan)
to Awareness of Their Learning-Style Preferences…………………………………………43-49
    Arlene Shorter Young, DEd, Centenary College, New Jersey (USA)
Sector: An Exploratory Study………………………………………………………………………50-58
    Christopher Bond, MSc & Marc Ting-Chun Hsu, MA
    University of Roehampton, London (UK)
    Marohang Limbu, PhD, Michigan State University (USA)
    Elizabeth M. White, BS; Amy R. Pearce, PhD & Irina……………………………… 64-68
    Khramtsova, EdD, Arkansas State University, AR (USA)
Student Research Articles
Psychology of Acculturation………………………………………………………………………69-72
    Michael Sapiro, MA, John F. Kennedy University (USA)
Avoid Scams……………………………………………………………………………………………..72-75
    Gabriel Hudson, BS, Arkansas State University, AR (USA)
Book Reviews
11. Understanding the International Student Experience ………………………………..76-77
    Reviewed by Krishna Bista, Arkansas State University (USA)
Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 77-78
    Reviewed by Charlotte Foster (Missouri Western State University) and
    Amrita Bhandari (International Faith Theological Seminary), USA
     Reviewed by Lauren M. Griffith, Centeral Michigan University (USA)
14. Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students.…………………….. 79-80
    Reviewed by Krishna Bista and Pamela Shultz
Arkansas State University (USA)
15. Strategic Finance for Criminal Justice Organizations……………………………….. 80
    Reviewed by Ernest C. Fields, Belhaven University (USA)
Publication Date
Citation Information
Krishna Bista. Journal of International Students, 2011 Volume 1 /Number 2. (2011)
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