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Journal of International Students, 2015 Volume 5 /Number 3
  • Krishna Bista
Articles /Research Brief/Book Reviews 
  1.  Japanese Exchange Students’Academic and Social Struggles at an American University, pp. 208-227. By Takahiro Sato, PhD, Kent State University (USA); Samuel R. Hodge, PhD, The Ohio State University (USA)
  2. Evidence that International Undergraduates Can Succeed Academically Despite Struggling with English, pp. 228-243. By Barry Fass-Holmes, PhD, University of California, San Diego (USA); Allison A. Vaughn, PhD, San Diego State University (USA)
  3. Intragroup Conflict During Study Abroad, pp. 244-259. By Peter Bodycott, PhD, University of Canberra (Australia)
  4. The Use of the Ombudsman’s Services for Alleviating International Students’ Difficulties, pp. 260-270. By Ourania Katsara, PhD, University of Patras (Greece)
  5. International Students in Western Developed Countries: History, Challenges, and Prospects, pp. 271-284. By Emmanuel E. Akanwa (Doctoral Student), Central Michigan University (USA)
  6. A Phenomenological Study on International Doctoral Students’Acculturation Experiences at a U.S. University, pp. 285-299. By Throy A. Campbell (Doctoral Candidate), University of Texas at Arlington (USA)
  7. Influence of Country of Origin and Academic Level on Asian Students’ Gains of             Learning, pp. 300-305. By Krishna Bista, EdD, University of Louisiana at Monroe (USA)
  8. Psychological Symptoms and Concerns Experienced by International Students:   Outreach Implications for Counseling Centers, pp. 306-312. By Senel Poyrazli, PhD, The   Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg (USA)
  9. Fostering International Student Success in Higher Education, pp. 313-314. By Rachel Sherman Johnson, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (USA)
  10. Suggestions for International Students in the US, pp. 315-316. By Uttam Gaulee, Doctoral Candidate, University of Florida College of Education (USA)
  11. Higher Education in Saudi Arabia, pp. 317-318. By Neete Saha, Ph.D. Candidate, Kent State University (USA)

Publication Date
Citation Information
Krishna Bista. Journal of International Students, 2015 Volume 5 /Number 3. (2015)
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