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Journal of International Students, 2018 Volume 8 /Number 1
  • Krishna Bista
  1. Away from home: A qualitative exploration of health experiences of Nigerian students in a U.K. University. Folashade T. Alloh, Desiree Tait& Clare TaylorBournemouth University, United Kingdom; pp. 1-20
  2. Measuring college success for international baccalaureate diploma and certificate candidates. Jennifer Coles Hill, Northwest Nazarene University, United States; pp.21-37
  3. Destination motivation, cultural orientation, and adaptation: International students’ destination-loyalty intention. Nor Lelawati Jamaludin, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia / University of Bergen, Norway; David Lackland Sam, University of Bergen, Norway; & Gro Mjeldheim Sandal, University of Bergen, Norway;  pp. 38-65
  4. The role of unplanned encounters and complexity of influences in foreign graduates’ first full-time job search in Singapore. Tharuka M. Prematillake & Ivy M. Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; pp. 66-86
  5. Exploring and leveraging Chinese international students’ strengths for success. Ye He, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, United States, & Bryant Hutson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States; pp. 87-108
  6. Motivation, induction, and challenge: Examining the initial phase of international students’ educational sojourn. Paul Cowley & Denis Hyams–Ssekasi, University of Bolton, United Kingdom; pp. 109-130
  7. Chinese university students and their experiences of acculturation at an ethnic Christian church. Xiaoyang SunTemple University, United States, & Robert A. RhoadsUniversity of California Los Angeles, United States; pp.131-150
  8. Qualitative study on Chinese students’ perception of U.S. university life. Xiaokang Tang, Daniel A. Collier, & Allison Witt, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States; pp. 151-174
  9. Exploring international students’ food choices using photovoice techniques. Nova Corcoran, University of South Wales, United Kingdom; pp. 175-193
  10. Academic adaptation among international students from East Asian countries: A consensual qualitative research. Jiaqi Li, Wichita State University, United States; Yanlin Wang, Texas Tech University, United States; Xun Liu, Virginia Commonwealth University, United States; Yusu Xu, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China; & TingTing Cui, Jilin University, China; pp. 194-214
  11. Acculturative stress and native and U.S. culture immersion of international students at a community college. Hardaye R. Hansen, Yuliya Shneyderman, Gloria S. McNamara, & Lisa Grace, Borough of Manhattan Community College, United States; pp. 215-232
  12. Exploring the relationship among international students’ English self-efficacy, using English to learn self-efficacy, and academic self-efficacy. Chih-hsuan Wang, Jamie Harrison, Victoria Cardullo, & Xi Lin, Auburn University, United States; pp.  233-250
  13. Creative diversity: Promoting interculturality in Australian pathways to higher education. Suzanne Allen, University of Sydney, Australia; pp. 251-273
  14. Using Campinha-Bacote’s framework to examine cultural competence from an interdisciplinary international service learning program. Elizabeth D. Wall-Bassett, Western Carolina University, United States; Archana V. Hegde, Katelyn Craft & Amber L. Oberlin, East Carolina University, United States; pp. 274-283
  15. Analysis of acculturative stress and sociocultural adaptation among international students at a non-metropolitan university. Hajara Mahmood, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, United States, & Monica Galloway Burke, Western Kentucky University, United States; pp. 284-307
  16. “It just messes your mind”: U.S. international students’ perspectives of and experiences with academic text sourcing. Janet Kesterson Isbell, Tennessee Technological University, United States; Jayati Chaudhuri, California State University, United States; & Deborah L. Schaeffer, California State University, United States; pp308-331
  17. “You just use your imagination and try to fix it”: Agential change and international students. Blair Matthews, University of Bristol, United Kingdom; pp.  332-350
  18. Engagement, satisfaction, and belonging of international undergraduates at U.S. research universities. Sam Van Horne, Shuhui Lin, Matthew Anson, & Wayne Jacobson, University of Iowa, United States; pp. 351-374
  19. Beyond culture: Helping international students avoid plagiarismSoni Adhikari, Stony Brook University, United States; pp. 375-388
  20. A case study of international students’ social adjustment, friendship development, and physical activity. Shuang Li & Sam Zizzi, West Virginia UniversityUnited States; pp. 389-408
  21. Employment and earnings of international science and engineering graduates of U.S. universities: A comparative perspective. Throy A. Campbell, Oakwood University at Huntsville, United States; Maria Adamuti-Trache, University of Texas at Arlington, United States; & Krishna Bista, Morgan State University, United States; pp. 409-430
  22. Okinawan consciousness and identity salience and development among Okinawan University Students Studying in Hawai‘i. Kazufumi Taira & Lois A. Yamauchi, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, United States; pp.431-452
  23. “Home away from home”? How international students handle difficult and negative experiences in American Higher Education. Lu (Wendy) YanShaohua (Linda) Pei, Iowa State University, United States; pp. 453-472
  24. Learning styles: A comparison between Indian and German business students. Tushar Bhatnagar & Vinita Sinha, SCMHRD Pune, India; pp. 473-487
Changing the things I cannot accept: My African experience of a U.S. classroom.Roselyn Banda, Miami University, United States; pp. 488-595
Publication Date
Krishna Bista
Citation Information
Krishna Bista. Journal of International Students, 2018 Volume 8 /Number 1. Vol. 8 (2018)
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