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Journal of International Students, 2016 Volume 6 /Number 3
  • Dr Krishna Bista
2016 Volume 6(3)
July/August 2016 ~ Vol. 6 No. 3:  [Print][Online]
Founder/Editor-in-ChiefDr. Krishna Bista  (University of Louisiana at Monroe, USA)
Table of Contents
  1. International Students and Mental Health. By Helen Forbes-Mewett (Monash University, Australia), Anne-Maree Sawyer (La Trobe University, Australia), pp. 661-677
  2. International Students’ Motivation and Learning Approach: A Comparison with Local Students. By Kah Loong Chue (National Institute of Education, Singapore), Youyan Nie(National Institute of Education, Singapore), pp. 678-699
  3. Country Image and the Study Abroad Destination Choice of Students from Mainland China. By Peter G. Ghazarian (Keimyung University, Korea), pp. 700-711
  4. Comparing International and American Students’ Challenges: A Literature Review. By Cody J. Perry (University of Wyoming, USA), pp. 712-721
  5. Factors Influencing Chinese Students’ Decisions to Study in the United States. By Larry Austin (University of Phoenix, USA), Libi Shen (University of Phoenix, USA), pp. 722-732
  6. Developing Skills and Disposition for Lifelong Learning: Acculturative Issues Supervising International Doctoral Students in New Zealand Universities. By Mingsheng Li (Massey University, New Zealand), pp. 740-761
  7. Unfulfilled Expectations: Influence of Chinese International Students’ Roommate Relationships on Sense of Belonging. By Christina W. Yao (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), pp. 762-778
  8. Examining Culture’s Impact on the Learning Behaviors of International Students from Confucius Culture Studying in Western Online Learning Context. By Haijun Kang(Kansas State University, USA), Bo Chang (Ball State University, USA), pp. 779-797
  9. Advanced ESL Students’ Prior EFL Education and Their Perceptions of Oral Corrective Feedback. By Eun Jeong (Esther) Lee (Claflin University, South Carolina, USA), pp. 798-816
  10. Delaying Academic Tasks? Predictors of Academic Procrastination among Asian International Students in American Universities. By Eunyoung Kim (Seton Hall University, USA), Taghreed A. Alhaddab (Seton Hall University, USA), Katherine C. Aquino (Seton Hall University, USA), Reema Negi (Seton Hall University, USA) pp. 817-824 (This article is retracted as of July 2018)
  11. International Student Handbook. By Nara M. Martirosyan (Sam Houston State University, USA), pp. 825-827
  • international education,
  • international students,
  • comparative education,
  • higher education
Publication Date
Krishna Bista
Citation Information
Dr Krishna Bista. Journal of International Students, 2016 Volume 6 /Number 3. Vol. 6 (2016)
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