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Journal of International Students, 2016 Volume 6/Number 4
  • Dr Krishna Bista
2016 Volume 6(4)

October/November 2016 ~ Volume 6 Number 4:  [Print][Online]
***Special Issues on International Student Success ***
Peer-Reviewed Articles
  1. Student Success through Leadership Self-Efficacy: A Comparison of International and Domestic Students. By David H. K. Nguyen, University of North Dakota, USA 829-842
  2. Supporting Postsecondary English Language Learners’ Writing Proficiency Using Technological Tools. By Kathleen A. Moore, Brock University, Ontario, Canada; Camille Rutherford, Brock University, Ontario, Canada; Keith A. Crawford, Brock University, Ontario, Canada 857-872
  3. Helping the Transition: Mentorship to Support International Students in Canada. By Clint Thomson and Victoria M. Esses, The University of Western Ontario, Canada 873-886
  4. Issues of International Students’ Academic Adaptation in the ESL Writing Class: A Mixed-methods Study. By Eunjeong Park, The Ohio State University, USA 887-904
  5. Being Wholesaled: An Investigation of Chinese International Students’ Higher Education Experiences. By Mengwei Su, Laura M. Harrison, Ohio University, USA 905-919
  6. A New Conceptual Model for Understanding International Students’ College Needs. By Eyad Alfattal, California State University, San Bernardino, USA 920-932
  7. International Undergraduates’ Retention, Graduation, and Time to Degree. By Barry Fass-Holmes, University of California, San Diego, USA 933-955
  8. Japanese Language as an Organizational Barrier for International Students to Access to University Services: A Case of Aoyama Gakuin University. By Hiroyoshi Hiratsuka, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan 956-966
  9. Critical Teacher Talk: Successful English for Academic Purposes Classroom Practices in a Global Campus. By Namsook Kim, University at Buffalo, USA 967-983
  10. Support Services at Spanish and U.S. Institutions: A Driver for International Student Satisfaction. By Adriana Perez- Encinas, The Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; Ravichandran Ammigan, University of Delaware, USA 984-998
  11. How Tinto’s Theory Differs For Asian and Non-Asian International Students: A Quantitative Study. By Suzan Kommers and Duy Pham, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA 999-1014
  12. Exploring Sense of Belonging among Black International Students at an HBCU. By Chrystal A. George Mwangi, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA 1015-1037
Commentaries/Book Reviews
  1. Realities and Realizations: Reflections on a Social Work Exchange Program between the United States and China. By Jennifer Cullen, Jolynn L. Haney, Linda Houser, Jun Cao and Xi Mi, Widener University, USA 1038-1044
  2. The Plagiarism Polyconundrum. By Reine D. Bethany, New York Institute of Technology, USA 1045-1052
  3. Working with International Students in the U.S. and Beyond: A Summary of Survey Research byNCDA International Student Services Committee. By Elif Balin, San Francisco State University, U.S.A.; Nicole M. Anderson, Tufts University, U.S.A.; Satomi Y. Chudasama, Princeton University, U.S.A.; Sutha K Kanagasingam, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, U.S.A.; Lily Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.1053-1061
  4. Food Identity and its Impact upon the Study Abroad Experience. Andrea Ciliotta-Rubery, The College at Brockport, SUNY, USA 1062-1068
  5. From Isolation to Inclusion:Learning of the Experiences of Chinese International Students in U.S. By Nancy Li Will, University of Washington, USA 1069-1075
  • international students,
  • higher education,
  • comparative education,
  • foreign students
Publication Date
Krishna Bista
Citation Information
Dr Krishna Bista. Journal of International Students, 2016 Volume 6/Number 4. Vol. 6 (2016)
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