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Journal of International Students, 2017 Volume 7 /Number 1
  • Dr Krishna Bista
2017 Volume 7(1)

January/February 2017 ~ Volume 7 Number 1:  [Print][Online
  • Founder/Editor-in-ChiefDr. Krishna Bista (Universityof Louisiana at Monroe, USA)
  • Call for Papers  • Editorial Team  • Editorial• New Publications
  1. Institutional Policies and Practices for Admitting, Assessing, and Tracking International Students. By Maureen Snow Andrade, Utah Valley University, USA   pp. I-VI [OnlinePrint
  1. Post-Graduation Plans of International Science and Engineering Doctoral Students Attending U.S. Universities. By Dorothy N. Ugwu,Tarrant County Comm. College District, USA; Maria Adamuti-Trache, University of Texas Arlington, USA    pp. 1-21 [OnlinePrint & Video]
  2. International Graduate Students: Social Networks and Language Use. By Daniel Moglen,University of California, Davis, USA   pp. 22-37 [OnlinePrint & Video]
  3. Are International Students Quiet in Class? The Influence of Teacher Confirmation on Classroom Apprehension and Willingness to Talk in Class. By Chia-Fang (Sandy) Hsu,University of Wyoming, USAI-Ting (Joyce) Huang, Synnix Industries Inc., Taiwan pp. 38-52 [OnlinePrint &Video]
  4. Factors Affecting the Academic and Cultural Adjustment of Saudi International Students in Australian Universities. By Nisreen Alsahafi, University of New South Wales, Australia; Seong-Chul Shin, University of New South Wales, Australia  pp. 53-73 [OnlinePrint & Video]
  5. Challenges of International Students in a Japanese University: Ethnographic Perspectives for the First Semester. By Ju Seong Lee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA    pp. 73-93 [OnlinePrint & Video]
  6. Collectivists’ decision-making: Saudi Arabian graduate students’ study abroad choices. By Tamara Yakaboski, Karla Perez-Velez and Yousef Almutairi, University of Northern Colorado, USA    pp. 94-112 [OnlinePrint & Video]
  7. Three Levels of Push-Pull Dynamics among Chinese International Students’ Decision to Study Abroad in the Canadian Context. By Jun Mian Chen, Brock University, Canada     pp. 113-135 [OnlinePrint & Video]
  8. The Cultural Elements of Academic Honesty. By LaNette W. Thompson, Janet H. Bagby, Tracey N. Sulak, and Janet Sheets, Baylor University, USATonya M. Trepinski, Texas A&M International University, USA    pp. 136-153 [OnlinePrint & Video]
  1. But I Don’t Understand You: One Faculty’s Observations of the Challenges Facing International Healthcare Students. By Cheryl O. DuBose, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, USA    pp. 154-159  [OnlinePrint
  1. Exploring the Social and Academic Experiences of International Students in Higher Education Institutions. By Sherrie Lee, University of Waikato, New Zealand   pp. 160-162 [OnlinePrint

  • international students,
  • higher education,
  • foreign education
Publication Date
Krishna Bista
Citation Information
Dr Krishna Bista. Journal of International Students, 2017 Volume 7 /Number 1. Vol. 7 (2017)
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