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Twitter in Higher Education: New Pedagogy in the Knowledge Era of Globalization
Source Title: Emerging Pedagogies in the Networked Knowledge Society: Practices Integrating Social Media and Globalization (2014)
  • Krishna Bista, University of Louisiana at Monroe
Twitter as a micro-blog in higher education has been considered a new pedagogical tool for social and academic communications among educators and students since its inception in 2006. Twitter provides space and opportunities for students and faculty to engage in social and academic activities as a new pedagogical tool. Despite the limited research on Twitter as a learning tool, a significant number of educators in the US, the UK, Australia, and other parts of the world have used Twitter to interact with students, to share course information, and to collaborate research among educators. This chapter presents existing literature on Twitter and debates on the usage of Twitter in higher education as a learning pedagogy.
  • Twitter,
  • pedagogy,
  • knowledge era,
  • globalization
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4757-2.ch010
Citation Information
Bista, K. (2014). Twitter in higher education: New pedagogy in the knowledge era of globalization. In M. Limbu & B. Gurung (eds.), Emerging pedagogies in the networked knowledge society (pp. 195-205). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publications. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4757-2.ch010