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Consulting by academics: Many forms, many opinions
The Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
  • Jan Klakurka, Huron At Western
  • Bill Irwin, Huron At Western
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In early 2015 the authors were invited to deliver a keynote address at a business-educator conference. As both were late entrants to the Academy they decided to speak on the value of how their previous professional experience enhanced theory in the classroom, creating a more grounded learning environment for their students. As they prepared their presentation, it became apparent to them that some aspects of their previous professional life were still active; both are still engaged in professional consulting in addition to their academic lives. As they worked through their presentation they had a gestalt moment, their experiences as Consulting Academics were near identical in nature. They chose to speak on the benefits and challenges of the Consulting Academic in the field of management education as this practices related to the students, their academic peers, the academy and themselves and their own academic practice. The following reflective paper highlights the benefits and challenges of the Consulting Academic.

Citation Information

2015. Klakurka, Jan and Bill Irwin, “Consulting by academics: Many forms, many opinions” Special Issue of the Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics: 13 (6), 134-140