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Social Networks in the Technology Era: Roles of Digital Cities in Enhancing Business Networks
Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems
  • Bih-Ru Lea, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Vincent Wen-Bin Yu, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Nisha Maguluru
  • Michael F. Nichols

A social network is a set of people, organizations, or other social entities connected by a set of social relationships, such as friendship, co-working or information exchange to augment social network. While the traditional forms of social networks are often constrained geographically, the emergence of social information infrastructures mediated by information and communication technologies provides a new way to form social networks as digital cities with potentially unlimited boundaries. with a case study, this study attempts to apply the social network concepts and design principles of digital cities to promote and structure social interaction among the users of the digital cities, to stimulate commerce and collaboration activities, to promptly disseminate linkage between discovery and societal benefits of knowledge and wealth creation, and consequently to enhance members' business networks. Advantages, design principles, and future directions of social network based digital cities will also be presented.

Meeting Name
Americas Conference on Information Systems
Business and Information Technology
Keywords and Phrases
  • Business Networks,
  • Digital Cities,
  • Information Cities,
  • Social Networks
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
File Type
© 2005 Association for Information Systems (AIS), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Publication Date
01 Jan 2005
Citation Information
Bih-Ru Lea, Vincent Wen-Bin Yu, Nisha Maguluru and Michael F. Nichols. "Social Networks in the Technology Era: Roles of Digital Cities in Enhancing Business Networks" Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (2005)
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