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Just between Friends: Bilateral Cooperation and Bounded Sovereignty in the “Global War on Terror”
Politics & Policy (2009)
  • Bidisha Biswas, Western Washington University
The “Global War on Terror,” led by the United States, emphasizes the role of international alliances in tackling terrorist threats. By their very nature, international counterterrorism efforts challenge state sovereignty by requiring changes to both foreign and domestic policies. This, in turn, creates complex sovereignty issues and raises some interesting questions for closer examination. How has cooperation in counterterrorism altered the perceptions and behavior of allies of the United States? Has the post-9/11 security environment constrained the sovereignty of other nations? This article explores these questions in the context of Canada's cooperation with the United States. The study argues that Canada's sovereignty has been bounded, but not determined, by U.S. demands. Examining the relationship between the United States and Canada can help us understand both the limitations and the continuing relevance of the traditional concepts of power, sovereignty, and interdependence in international relations.
  • International counterterrorism,
  • Bilateral cooperation
Publication Date
October 14, 2009
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Bidisha Biswas. "Just between Friends: Bilateral Cooperation and Bounded Sovereignty in the “Global War on Terror”" Politics & Policy Vol. 37 Iss. 5 (2009) p. 929 - 950
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