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Australian Digital Libraries: An Overview
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2008 (WCECS 2008) (2008)
  • Bhojaraju Gunjal
  • Shalini Urs
  • Hao Shi
The aim of this paper is to examine current trends in the development of digital libraries (DL), with particular reference to Australia. This paper is the result of primitive study based on the visits made to university libraries in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. The objective of this paper is to analyze the various aspects of Knowledge Organisation System (KOS) in Digital Libraries (DL) and its services. This study analyses the different projects towards the development of DL and its features in Australian universities.
  • Bhojaraju Gunjal,
  • Shalini Urs,
  • Hao Shi,
  • Bhojaraju,
  • Gunjal,
  • Australia,
  • Digital Libraries
Publication Date
October 22, 2008
Ao S I, Douglas C, Grundfest W S, Schruben L, and Burgstone J
WCECS 2008
Citation Information
Gunjal Bhojaraju, Urs Shalini, and Shi, Hao (2008). "Australian Digital Libraries: An Overview" Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2008 (WCECS 2008) .
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