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Creating a campus-wide research data services committee: The good, The bad, and The...... Part 1: Building bridges and planting seeds
Network of the National Library of Medicine New England Region (NNLM NER) Repository
  • Cinthya Ippoliti, Oklahoma State University
  • Renaine Julian, Florida State University
  • Christine E Kollen, Arizona State University
  • Amy E Koshoffer, University of Cincinnati
  • David Minor, University of California - San Diego
  • Betty Rozum, Utah State University
Publication Date
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A panel of presenters in this two-part webinar series shared their experiences about how academic libraries are taking the lead in developing cross-campus collaborations in establishing research data committees to spearhead institutional efforts related to data stewardship and digital projects. This interactive session lead participants through the various steps needed in order to initiate a similar effort within their institutional context.

Part 1: Building bridges and planting seeds

Learning Objectives:

  • Focus on early-stage efforts to build partnerships and bring key stakeholders to the table
  • Acquire practical tips for addressing the institutional challenges involved in developing a campus-wide data committee
  • Identify key individuals who could be instrumental in establishing a campus-wide data committee

  • academic libraries,
  • research data services,
  • research data management,
  • collaborations,
  • committees
Rights and Permissions
Copyright the Author(s)
DOI of Published Version

Webinar supported through the NNLM NER eScience Program presented December 6, 2016.

Please see Part 2: Launching your collaboration.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0
Citation Information
Cinthya Ippoliti, Renaine Julian, Christine E Kollen, Amy E Koshoffer, et al.. "Creating a campus-wide research data services committee: The good, The bad, and The...... Part 1: Building bridges and planting seeds" (2016)
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