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Quasiparticle Trapping in Microwave Kinetic Inductance Strip Detectors
  • D. C. Moore
  • B. A. Mazing
  • S. Golwala
  • B. Bumble
  • J. Gao
  • Betty A. Young, Santa Clara University
  • S. McHugth
  • P. K. Day
  • H. G. LeDuc
  • J. Zmuidzinas
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
American Institute of Physics

Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) are thin‐film, superconducting resonators, which are attractive for making large detector arrays due to their natural frequency domain multiplexing at GHz frequencies. For X‐ray to IR wavelengths, MKIDs can provide high‐resolution energy and timing information for each incoming photon. By fabricating strip detectors consisting of a rectangular absorber coupled to MKIDs at each end, high quantum efficiency and spatial resolution can be obtained. A similar geometry is being pursued for phonon sensing in a WIMP dark matter detector. Various materials have been tested including tantalum, tin, and aluminum for the absorbing strip, and aluminum, titanium, and aluminum manganese for the MKID. Initial Ta/Al X‐ray devices have shown energy resolutions as good as 62 eV at 6 keV. A Ta/Al UV strip detector with an energy resolution of 0.8 eV at 4.9 eV has been demonstrated, but we find the coupling of the MKIDs to the absorbers is unreliable for these thinner devices. We report on progress probing the thicknesses at which the absorber/MKID coupling begins to degrade by using a resonator to inject quasiparticles directly into the absorber. In order to eliminate the absorber/MKID interface, a modified design for implanted AlMn/Al UV strip detectors was developed, and results showing good transmission of quasiparticles from the absorber to MKID in these devices are presented.

Copyright © 2009 American Institute of Physics Publishing. Reprinted with permission.
Citation Information
Moore, D. C., Mazing, B. A., Golwala, S., Bumble, B., Gao, J., Young, B. A., McHugth, S., Day, P. K., LeDuc, H. G., & Zmuidzinas, J. (2009). Quasiparticle Trapping in Microwave Kinetic Inductance Strip Detectors. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1185(1), 168–171.