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The Writing is on the Wall: Using Padlet for Whole-Class Engagement
LOEX Quarterly (2014)
  • Beth Fuchs, University of Kentucky
Many of us define success in the classroom by the quality and quantity of student participation, but despite our best efforts, there are substantial barriers in place that discourage students outside of the vocal minority from getting more involved in our classes. This paper describes the use of a "graffiti wall" as found on Padlet ( to overcome some of the challenges involved in class participation in order to encourage whole-class collaboration and engagement.
  • Padlet,
  • Whole-class engagement,
  • Peer learning,
  • Class participation,
  • Active learning,
  • Information literacy
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
Published in LOEX Quarterly, v. 40, issue 4, p. 7-9.
The copyright holder has granted the permission for posting the article here.
A related presentation is available at:
Citation Information
Beth Fuchs. "The Writing is on the Wall: Using Padlet for Whole-Class Engagement" LOEX Quarterly Vol. 40 Iss. 4 (2014)
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