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Helping First-Year Students Consider Multiple Perspectives and Think More Broadly Through a Freewriting Activity
LOEX Quarterly
  • Beth Fuchs, University of Kentucky

This article addresses how an in-class freewriting activity was designed to inspire learning by addressing student research behavior—all informed by articulated student needs and encounters with published research. First, I will describe the freewriting activity, and then, I will share how students’ needs and published research aided in both its initial creation and a subsequent revision.

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Notes/Citation Information

Published in LOEX Quarterly, v. 45, issue 1, p. 4-7.

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Citation Information
Beth Fuchs. "Helping First-Year Students Consider Multiple Perspectives and Think More Broadly Through a Freewriting Activity" LOEX Quarterly Vol. 45 Iss. 1 (2018) p. 4 - 7
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