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Progress in Animal Legislation: Measurement and Assessment
State of the Animals 2005
  • Andrew N. Rowan, The Humane Society of the United States
  • Beth Rosen, The Humane Society of the United States
Document Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date

As the animal movement has gained more political authority and public acceptance, it needs better ways to assess and follow its progress—or lack thereof—towards its goals. In this era, in which nonprofits and funding agencies are demanding better measures of effectiveness, the animal movement needs to examine how it looks at the progress it is (or is not) making in gaining better legal protection for animals.

Citation Information
Rowan, A.N., & Rosen, B. (2005). Progress in animal legislation: measurement and assessment. In D.J. Salem & A.N. Rowan (Eds.), The state of the animals III: 2005 (pp.79-94). Washington, DC: Humane Society Press.