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Building the Case for Culturally Specific P-3 Strategies in Oregon: Listening to Voices From the Field
Early Childhood
  • Callie H. Lambarth, Portland State University
  • Amanda Cross-Hemmer, Portland State University
  • Lorelei Mitchell, Portland State University
  • Beth L. Green, Portland State University
  • Kate Normand, Portland State University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Readiness for school -- Oregon,
  • Kindergarten -- Oregon,
  • Early childhood education

Oregon’s early learning and K-12 systems require transformative changes to address racial disparities in school readiness and success. Prenatal-through-Grade-3 (P-3) initiatives are an innovative way to align, strengthen and expand supports for this goal.

Culturally specific organizations (CSOs) are uniquely poised and expertly prepared to meet the needs of communities of color while helping Oregon achieve its goals for reducing disparities in kinder­garten readiness and other educational outcomes.

The proposed Early Childhood Equity Fund, which is included in the governor’s recommended 2019 budget, would move Oregon closer to eliminating the opportunity gap in kindergarten readiness and school success by investing in culturally specific early learning and family support programs and allocating more resources to CSOs that are imple­menting school readiness strategies.

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Citation Information
Lambarth, C. H., Cross-Hemmer, A., Mitchell, L., Green, B. L., & Normand, K. (2019). Building the case for culturally specific P-3 strategies in Oregon: Listening to voices from the field. Portland, OR: Center for Improvement of Child & Family Services, Portland State University.