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About Beth L. Green

Beth Green is Director of Early Childhood & Family Support Research at the Center for the Improvement of Child & Family Services, Portland State University. Dr. Green served as President and Senior Research Associate at NPC Research before her move to PSU in September 2010. Dr. Green's extensive experience includes managing, designing, and implementing qualitative and quantitative studies of early childhood education and parenting programs, children’s mental health, early literacy, child abuse prevention, community development coalitions, child welfare, and family drug courts.
Dr. Green earned a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Arizona State University, with an emphasis on applied research methods, and spent 3 years at the University of Pittsburgh’s Office of Child Development doing her postdoctoral studies in applied early childhood research and program evaluation.


Present Director, Early Childhood and Family Support Research, Portland State University Center for Improvement of Child and Family Services
Faculty Member, Portland State University Regional Research Institute

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