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Heart-Head-Hands: Everyday Living for Justice
  • Beth Godbee
Welcome to Heart-Head-Hands: Everyday Living for Justice: a space for learning and unlearning, writing and striving toward justice—social, racial, and environmental justice.

This website compiles blog posts, research writing, pedagogical materials, courses, and other offerings focused on making commitments to justice actionable in everyday life.

Actions are highlighted in blog posts and grouped into eight categories:
  1. engaging regularly in contemplative practices, including meditation, divination, and reflective writing.
  2. considering what emotional literacies—embodied awarenesses, knowledges, intelligences, and response-abilities—are needed when striving toward justice.
  3. practicing everyday feminism, or a way of living that counters oppression and aligns with commitments to equity and justice.
  4. advocating for matters in higher education, including more meaningful teaching and learning, career discernment, and equity in education.
  5. learning from others through interviews, which offer multiple answers to the question: “How do you strive toward justice?”
  6. striving toward racial justice and interrupting whiteness, white supremacy, and intersectional inequities.
  7. enjoying vegan recipes toward eating in a way that minimizes harm and nourishes the body.
  8. connecting the personal question of why vegan? with the political work of ecofeminism and movements for social, racial, gender, economic, and environmental justice.
  • social justice,
  • social justice education
Publication Date
May, 2024
Citation Information
Beth Godbee. "Heart-Head-Hands: Everyday Living for Justice" (2024)
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