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Decision support and navigation to increase colorectal cancer screening among Hispanic primary care patients (Poster).
Department of Family Medicine
  • Randa D Sifri, MD
  • Melanie B Johnson, MPA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Beth Careyva, M.D., Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Brian Stello, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Alicia Rivera, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Liselly Diaz, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Evelyn T Gonzalez, MA
  • Melissa DiCarlo, MPH, MS
  • Constantine Daskalakis
  • Anna Quinn, MPH, RYT
  • Sarah Hegerty, MPhil
  • Lucas Gordils- Molina, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Rosa Anderson-deOrtiz
  • Kyle Shaak, BS, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Ronald E Myers, PhD
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Sifri, R. D., Johnson, M. B., Careyva, B. Stello, B. Rivera, A. Diaz, L. Gonzalez, E. DiCarlo, M. Daskalakis, C. Quinn, A. Hegerty, S. Rivera, A. Gordils-Molina, L. Anderson-deOrtiz, R. Shaak, K. Myers, R. (2017, November 17-21). Decision support and navigation to increase colorectal cancer screening among Hispanic primary care patients. Poster Presented at: The 2017 North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Conference. Montreal, Quebec.