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Primary Care Clinicians Use of Genomics and Pharmacogenomic Testing
Department of Family Medicine
  • Heather Bittner-Fagan, MD, MPH
  • Brian Stello, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Christopher V Chambers, MD
  • Geoffrey Mills, MD, PhD
  • Beth Careyva, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Melanie B Johnson, MPA, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Dierdre B Axell-House, BA
  • Michael P Rosenthal, MD
Publication/Presentation Date

Copyright © Lehigh Valley Health Network

Document Type

The project was funded through a special grant through the Dean's Office of Jefferson Medical College.

Citation Information

Bittner, H., Stello, B., Chambers, C., Mills, G., Careyva, B., Johnson, M., Axell-House, D., & Rosenthal, M. (2014, June 6-7). Primary care clinicians use of genomics and pharmacogenomic testing. Poster presented at: The Delaware Academy of Family Physicians (DAFP) Annual Scientific Assembly, Newark, DE.