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Prisons and Jails
  • Beth M. Huebner, University of Missouri
A number of texts on corrections and imprisonment have been developed. Clear, et al. 2019 provides a broad overview regarding a range of topics on corrections and is appropriate as an introductory text for students. The Latessa and Holsinger 2015 reader is comprised of annotated classical and contemporary articles, appropriate as a stand-alone text for undergraduate courses or as a supplementary text for a graduate course in corrections. For advanced graduate seminars, Morris and Rothman 1997 provides an excellent historical and theoretically informed discussion of imprisonment in the United States and abroad. Tonry 2006 discusses the future of corrections in an accessible anthology of works by top correctional scholars. Finally, the Pew Center on the States 2008 is an important electronic text that includes contemporary statistics illustrating imprisonment trends, and is suitable for either established researchers or new students.
Publication Date
December 14, 2009
Citation Information
Beth M. Huebner. Prisons and Jails. (2009)
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