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Out in Left Field: Cuba’s Post-Cold War Strikeout
UF Law Faculty Publications
  • Berta E. Hernández-Truyol, University of Florida Levin College of Law
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This Article studies the Cuban situation in four parts. First, it reviews whether Cuba actually fits basic expectations of "Third World country" status. As discussed in Part I, the figures of social and human development indicators, as well as economic development figures, reveal that Cuba does not match the definition neatly. Its health, education, and welfare figures rival those of industrial states. Economic development figures, however, paint a completely different picture. Economic considerations certainly permit labelling the island as a "developing country," particularly since the onset of the 1986 recession, as exacerbated by the demise of communism and Cuba's consequent loss of Soviet-bloc aid and subsidies. In Part II, this Article explores whether the Cold War has ended with respect to Cuba. Looking generally at political, military, and economic developments since the mid-1980's, and specifically at the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 ("CDA" or "Torricelli Law"), and the Russia-Cuba Trade Agreement of November 3, 1992, it appears fair to conclude that for Cuba the Cold War is far from over. Notwithstanding a "new world order," Cuba's static political situation preserves the bi-polarity that was present during the former dealings between the superpower foes. Finally, this Article evaluates and details the impact of the so-called post-Cold War environment on Cuba economically, in Part III, and socially and politically, in Part IV.

Citation Information
Berta Esperanza Hernández Truyol, Out in Left Field: Cuba's Post-Cold War Strikeout, 18 Fordham Int'l L.J. 15 (1994)