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Polychromatic Colorings on the Hypercube
  • John Goldwasser, West Virginia University
  • Bernard Lidicky, Iowa State University
  • Ryan R. Martin, Iowa State University
  • David Offner, Westminster College
  • John Talbot, University College London
  • Michael Young, Iowa State University
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Publication Version
Submitted Manuscript
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Given a subgraph G of the hypercube Qn, a coloring of the edges of Qn such that every embedding of G contains an edge of every color is called a G-polychromatic coloring. The maximum number of colors with which it is possible to G-polychromatically color the edges of any hypercube is called the polychromatic number of G. To determine polychromatic numbers, it is only necessary to consider a specific type of coloring, which we call simple. The main tool for finding upper bounds on polychromatic numbers is to translate the question of polychromatically coloring the hypercube so every embedding of a graph G contains every color into a question of coloring the 2-dimensional grid so that every so-called shape sequence corresponding to G contains every color. After surveying the tools for finding polychromatic numbers, we apply these techniques to find polychromatic numbers of a class of graphs called punctured hypercubes. We also consider the problem of finding polychromatic numbers in the setting where larger subcubes of the hypercube are colored. We exhibit two new constructions which show that this problem is not a straightforward generalization of the edge coloring problem.


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Citation Information
John Goldwasser, Bernard Lidicky, Ryan R. Martin, David Offner, et al.. "Polychromatic Colorings on the Hypercube" arxiv (2018)
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