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Microwave Bragg-scattering zone-axis-pattern analysis
arXiv: Physics Education (2013)
  • P. Fraundorf, University of Missouri–St. Louis
  • Bernard J. Feldman
  • W. Garver
  • M. Freeman
  • D. Proctor
Louis deBroglie’s connection between momentum and spatial-frequency vectors is perhaps most
viscerally-experienced via the real-time access that electron-diffraction provides to transverse slices
of a nano-crystal’s reciprocal-lattice. The classic introductory (and/or advanced) physics labexperiment
on microwave Bragg-scattering can with a bit of re-arrangement also give students
access to “zone-axis-pattern” slices through the 3D spatial-frequency (i.e. reciprocal) lattice of a
ball-bearing crystal, which may likewise contain only a few unit-cells.
In this paper we show how data from the standard experimental set-up can be used to generate
zone-axis-patterns oriented down the crystal rotation-axis. This may be used to give students direct
experience with interpretation of lattice-fringe image power-spectra, and with nano-crystal electrondiffraction
patterns, as well as with crystal shape-transforms that we use here to explain previously
mis-identified peaks in the microwave data.
Publication Date
July 26, 2013
Citation Information
P. Fraundorf, Bernard J. Feldman, W. Garver, M. Freeman, et al.. "Microwave Bragg-scattering zone-axis-pattern analysis" arXiv: Physics Education (2013)
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