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About Benjamin S Weil

Dr. Weil teaches courses in energy efficient buildings. With primary responsibility for the Extension program in building energy, his research program is responsive to the needs of various stakeholders in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including home builders, architects, weatherization companies, energy utilities, state government agencies, town governments, environmental and community organizations, and homeowners. He is particularly interested in the social and behavioral dimensions of energy efficiency. He is a building analyst certified with the Building Performance Institute, and continues to enjoy building diagnostics. He manages the online Green Building Certificate for the BCT program.


Present Extension Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst

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  • BCT 211: Energy Efficient Housing
  • Building energy retrofit and optimization (under development)
  • LEED certification system (under development)

Contact Information

Holdsworth, Room 115
160 Holdsworth Way
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003
