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Surveillance and the Political Value of Privacy
Amsterdam Law Forum
  • Benjamin J. Goold, Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia
Faculty Author Type
Current Faculty [Benjamin Goold]
Document Type
Publication Date
  • intrusive; surveillance; privacy; technological; developments; technology; society,
  • state,
  • private

The steady expansion in the use of surveillance technologies by the state and private sector represents a substantial threat to the privacy of ordinary individuals. Yet despite the best efforts of civil libertarians, many members of the public still struggle to understand why privacy is valuable and deserves to be protected as a basic right. In part, this is a result of the inherent complexity of the idea of privacy, but it is also due a tendency on the part of privacy advocates to focus on the individual - as opposed to the social and political dimensions - of privacy. In order to ensure that there is a greater level of public engagement with matters of privacy and sufficient awareness of the dangers of intrusive surveillance, more must be done to ensure that the general public appreciates that privacy is not just essential for individual freedom, but also for the health of society as a whole.

Citation Information
Benjamin J Goold, "Surveillance and the Political Value of Privacy" (2009) 1:4 Amsterdam LF 3.